In addition, I just announced my next playthrough for the channel. A Let's Play of Celeste. Let me go into a little more detail with how this will work. This is technically my second playthrough of the game. So I wanted to take advantage of all that by covering the game, talking about why I love it, but still being inexperienced enough to have exciting new experiences with it. I've already had one moment like that with what I've recorded and I'm hoping more will come up as I get further into the game.
For fellow Celeste players curious just how much experience I have with the game currently. I've played all of the main chapters up to the credits as well as two of the B sides. I have recorded my first run through the Chapter 2 B-side so if I can find the time to edit that monster together I could upload it as a bonus episode in the future. To say it with as little spoilers as possible, I have not unlocked enough to get into the post-game level, so that should be a blind experience along with any B sides beyond Chapter 2. So yes there will be blind elements and while in advance I appreciate the thought of giving me tips and tricks to keep the sense of discovery I want to showcase in this LP, I will ask to not give me any advice in the comments unless I specifically ask for it. If there is something I don't understand but will need to eventually do to explore everything this game can offer, I will look it up myself once I've beaten the main story and exhausted all other options.
My goals for this Let's Play is to play through the main campaign and collect 120 strawberries. As the game states strawberries are just for bragging rights...but I do have my reasons, since I want to spoil as little as possible though, I will leave my reasoning a mystery for now. After that I will take on the B-sides. Using Chapter 1 & 2 to explain how the process of B-sides works, since I'm already experienced with them, and attempt the other B-sides as I unlock them. Since B-sides are infamous for their difficulty I can not promise I'll beat every B-side in the LP, but I do want to at least give them an honest attempt which will be at minimum 30 minutes of gameplay but considering how long it took me to beat B-Sides 1 & 2, I'll likely be putting way more time into them after that. I will also be taking on the post-game chapter somewhere in between all that. I think I may do it after B-side Chapter 2 if I have enough of [withheld] to unlock it, if not I'll do B-sides and/or explore the original levels until I can do it. There will also be a bonus episode I will dedicate specifically to the game's Assist Mode, since it has a fascinating story to tell, not only with it's development history and how it impacts all players, but it also has had an impact on Game Design as a whole. It's all topics I feel are well worthy of discussion. Now despite how I make it sound, this will not be a 100% Let's Play. At the very least I will be skipping some strawberries. But I do want to explore and showcase every aspect relating to this game I can, even if it's only briefly. With that said I am aware of the existence...well to not spoil it...of the thing that is even harder than B-sides. However, I have not unlocked it in my first playthrough and while I have my suspensions, I do not know exactly how unlocking them is done. I feel like this will add to the element of discovery I want to include with this LP though so, as I've said before DO NOT tell me how to unlock the thing. If I get to the point I've done everything else and have yet to discover how to unlock it, I will Google where needed.
Thank you all in advance for your patience, and I really hope you all give this LP a chance. Celeste is a wonderful game. Not only is the gameplay is fun but I feel it plays off the story well, better than a lot of games I've played. Yes it is challenging but as I'll explain in the LP, it adds to the story and overall experience of the game and I feel like the game is design in a way to be forgiving enough that you may not even notice you're playing a hard game. I know it's happened with me personally. In addition, if you're struggling to the point of frustration, or worst giving up, the developers made assist mode specifically so everyone can enjoy the game, regardless of their skill or even their physical abilities. So please take a chance to check out my Let's Play, or at the very least take a chance to try out this game if you have even the remote interest in platformers or stories that explores the personal self. Hopefully you'll at least get to see why I thought this was a game worth dedicating as much time as I have to presenting it to the best of my abilities.