Playing and making games.
Overseer of the Elements is a concept for my own game that I've been brainstorming, manifesting, and developing for basically my entire life. I still don't feel confident enough to program it so I often manifest that time an energy to building the character and story, as well as how certain gameplay mechanics would conceptually behave.
I've done a lot of sketches over the years and I want to start doing more write-ups sharing as much about it as I can, and hence is the goal of this page.
What is Overseer of The Elements (Conceptually)
Overseer of the Elements is a turn-based RPG using a combination of creature collection and bonding between allies to improve their powers, with also using said abilities outside of battle for puzzle solving. You can think of it as a loving combination of Golden Sun and Persona, while drawing inspiration from other RPGs I grew-up with.
You begin your adventure as a pair of "Mentalists", wielders of an elemental force known as "Mei". They'll meet-up with fellow Mentalist that become closer friends and stronger allies as they cooperate together in battle. They'll also be joined by various "Sol Spirits", physical embodiments of Mei that form symbolic relationships with the Mentalists they meet. As they join you, you can use them directly in battle, build them up to improve your own power through buffs and class changes, as well as have them assist you with powerful "Team-up" abilities. When allies team-up they combine their turns, through the help of the Sol Spirits, to do powerful techniques that they couldn't achieve alone. It takes a lot of energy out of them, but soon enough they'll recover and be ready to help once more.
Allies bond in battle as they Team-up together and when they support each other, whether it be through healing, buffing, or just giving moral support. Though outside of battle, they can also bond through various events that'll happen through-out the adventure or when hanging out together at a rest stop. Regardless of method, they'll have key interactions as they bond that allow them to get to know each other better and increase their relationship levels. This is the key to gaining access to more powerful team-ups and improving various perks.
While Mei is a great tool for Mentalist in battle, it'll also serve them well as they navigate through-out the world in their adventures. Our party will need to use their Mei to reach the end of various dungeon-like areas they'll have to pass along the way. Whether it be shrubby that needs to be burned or fire that needs to be doused, the Mentalist's Mei can be used to overcome any obstacle. Options will only continue to grow through-out the adventure, especially as they clear the Sol Spots that act as key plot points in their adventure.
Below are a series of videos and shorts showcasing various concepts from Overseer of the Elements. Alternatively you can just watch the full playlist at the link below...
Overview of Overseer of the Elements
Sol Spirits in combat
Other videos/shorts
Gameplay concepts
To be continued.
Related projects.
I'll flesh out this section. But long story short, I'm learning a game development engine called Godot. And in the middle of doing tutorials I decided to expand the platforming tutorial into it's own game with my OCs in it. Currently calling it Firebrand Dash. I doubt I'll expand it enough into a game that I can properly sell. But I'll probably make the end product playable one way or another once I'm all done with it.
For now, check me out on BlueSky or the "Original Project" section of my Discord. I occasionally make updates on it on those two platforms.
Here's some basic photos and some beta video for now...

Below is a link to my Godot 3 build of the game, though it's still well under development. I had to build it completly from scratch when making the transition to Godot 4. So it might take a while, but I do plan to update the site with a Godot 4 build once I finish reimplementing everything from Godot 3.