Hey all, time for another blog. I have some updates regarding videos and streams, but be sure to check out the Dawn of Djinn section if you have had any questions regarding the completion of Dawn of Djinn and/or the differences between Version 1 and 2 as I do my best to clear up the confusion I've noticed as of late. Gotten a lot of "Is Dawn of Djinn completed" questions as of late and with the way I treat version 1 and 2 as separate projects, I understand why there is confusion.
It's not an easy "yes or no" question because of that, so I hope the information I provide clarifies that confusion. If you still have any questions, feel free to reach out to me on Discord, Twitter, or Youtube and I'll clear up any confusion that still remains.
Regarding Streams
This week I finally got to show of Pokemon Emerald Rouge, and while the mod was as enjoyable as ever, I feel kind of mixed with the stream itself. Didn't do as good as I was hoping with killing the down time of building up a team and that with commentary, but the actions in the battle themselves helped make up for it. But all that low time makes me feel conflicted if it makes "a good stream game" for me, despite my enjoyment of it on my down time.
That stream though, I think I've showcased all of the mis mods and games I wanted to do one offs for so what my next stream will be is still up in the air. With how drained I was feeling going into yesterday's stream, I'm tempted to just take next week off and rest. Maybe I can reinvest that time in building up my backlog of Pokemon XG recordings. I do want to get back into not only uploading that series constantly, but have it upload at least twice a week instead of once a week.
Not going to totally rule out streaming next week, in case I really have the desire to, but for right now I plan to skip a week to focus on other things or maybe just relax