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Weekly Vlog 10/1/23

Writer's picture: Jackit KJackit K

Hey everyone, welcome to October. Hope your day is going a bit better than mine. Just feel a bit down, partly because I'm still trying a bit lost with what I want to do with videos and streams at the moment. But I'll go more into that later. Just know, that there will be some videos this month. It's kind of a band-aid on the situation, but it does buy the opportunity to hopefully start fresh and get back into the swing of things in November. In the meantime a new Game N Chill just dropped. (I forgot that I had a video queued for Saturday, so I pushed it a day back so both videos had some time to breathe.)

I kind of got the feeling no one even reads these blogs. I'm I just wasting time writing these blogs to update a non-existent audience? Then again, with social media not really being a reliable place anymore with how widespread between platforms it is, how else am I going to update people? I had a passing thought of making these blogs a newsletter series instead, but I got no idea how TBH. Would anyone even bother with that? If you're somehow reading this, let me know. Discord is the most reliable place I can think of to update people at the moment, but I know it has a lot of barriers for some people so I feel like I got to think of a better alternative.

Game Projects

To be honest, I haven't really been able to get back into working on Dawn of Djinn or expand on the Golden Sun challenge pack this week. I got a feeling I might take a break working on Golden Sun stuff for a few weeks or so. Mostly playing it by ear, but there's a couple factors why.

  1. Focus on making more videos and overall ways of promotion that help people realize these more recent projects even exist. I recently had an interaction with a fan of Dawn of Djinn, who didn't even realize I was working on a Version 2. That's probably a sign, that I need to be a bit more public with my progress on things. I just have to figure out how to do that. That's half the reason I wanted to do a stream of the "Water Only" patch yesterday, despite still playing through the Lost Age Randomizer, but I'll go more into detail on that in the video section.

  2. I'm tired of being tied down by Sweet Expedition being in limbo. I've been afraid to bring it up because I really don't want to set any expectations, but past couple weeks I've probably spent more time playtesting and tweeking Sweet Expedition than working on any Golden Sun project. It's been in this odd state of releasable, but not to a degree I'd be happy with for months. To the point I regret not just releasing a patch of it when I made the WIP video series and being done with it. I don't think I have time to go into the details this week, but I've spent a bit of time refining the area from the Game Jam release. While I've sadly have no plans to make any new areas beyond what I've already shared, I have been working on rebalancing the mod around recent change I've made and there may or may not be a new move I added because I got distracted during those adjustments.

  3. Lately I've been feeling I need a break in general. Not only do I feel the pressure to build up my backlog so I can actually upload something frequently, pass couple days, including today I've been fluxiating between feeling great and feeling terrible. I got a feeling I'll need to make some time to rest if I don't want to burn out completely.

Speaking of needing to do a better job promoting my mods, why don't I just remind you of a couple of them right now...

For one, I think I did a poor job at sharing the Dawn of Djinn V2 demo, so if you're interested in that, you can get a patch for it here. The demo ends at Mogall Forest, but it does give you a good taste of new features for V2, such as the new classes.

There's even a "hard mode" version of it in the Golden Sun Challenge pack that removes summons. TBH I don't know how doable it even is, it's just a quick little thing I put together when making the Challenge Pack for the Game Jam... speaking of, you can find out more about the Golden Sun Challenge Pack is. Long story short, it's a series of patches that add small little challenges to a vanilla playthrough that you can mix and match together. Such as playing with only Psynergy, classes, and other attacks of a particular element, or going through the game without the ability to summon.



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