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Weekly Update: 7/8

Writer's picture: Jackit KJackit K

Figured I would write this today because I think I burnt all my creativity brainstorming Overseer of the Element stuff while working at the job today but I want to do something today.

So, still iffy about some stuff relating to content. Still sticking to the Saturday evening streams for now, though I keep bouncing between ideas of what I want to play so I want to keep that under wraps until it's more narrowed down. Again, I think I'm just going to keep it casually with making content until after Go Fest and see what I feel up to making then. Still have enough of a backlog that everything on the Youtube end should continue like normal until then. And that Gible community day retrospective has basically sitting around, practically done outside of splicing in the intro and uploading to audio platforms, so I think I'll shoot for getting that up this weekend. Though I don't have plans to resume Pokémon Go content on the podcast platform after that.

Still not really feeling up to recording Pokémon Go GBL stuff either. Doubt I'm going to return to streaming GBL on Twitch minus the special occasion where a cup gets me excited, and currently I'm leaning towards just recording a set offline instead of online if that happens. Doesn't help that I haven't really been motivated enough to play GBL in general lately. Element Cup is okay with auto reck, but it hasn't been enough to get me out of the overall negative feeling I've been having with GBL as a whole lately. I don't exactly dislike it, but it doesn't get me excited more than playing other video games lately. I'm still a bit bum out I missed out on Bidoof Cup because of IRL timing, and Element Cup doesn't capture my attention as well. At least to the point of building new Pokemon when I'm constantly worried that by the time I do it'll have swapped over already. Plus I really don't need to ever see another Ducklett again. Never was the biggest fan of it, so while it's certainly cool to see a random otherwise worthless Pokemon get so much meta love for once, it does kill a bit of my excitement to play when I already don't like the Pokemon. I could just not use one and raise counters, but again for some reason I just haven't been interested enough in GBL as a whole lately to build Pokemon for just one cup, I don't even know if I have the interest to play GBL in cups I already have Pokemon for as is right now.

On more positive news, I just released the first episode of my new 1st Thru...well technically a 1st Thru, along with the teaser trailer (because I forgot to make it live on Saturday like I promised. But it was that weekend I wasn't feeling that great so I'm not going to be too hard on myself this time.) That will continue to go up every Wednesday. I would do it more frequently but there's a lot of time that goes into editing it because it's post commentated, so I want to stick to once a week for now. I'll figure out something to do for the GBL upload slot once I run out of backlog, if I still don't feel like making it, but that's a future JackitK problem.

I'm really looking forward to finally sharing this project with you all because I have seen the game in action and between that and the chunk I played before deciding I had to make this a 1st Thru, I really like it, despite it might not seeming like it some times in the commentary. I'm actually a bit nervous about the commentary because of that, but I hope you all enjoy regardless.

So current plan for next week is...

Gible CD Retrospective podcast: Sunday

Pokemon Go Battle League: Monday/Friday

Colosseum Randomizer: Tuesday/Thursday

Mad Rat Dead: Wednesday

Possible bonus upload: Saturday

Along with a Saturday evening livestream on Twitch

And reminder the following week I'm taking the week off for Go Fest and sorting out my plans going forward on the Internet...that's at least what I tell myself.

I'm pretty sure I'm feeling better overall, but not quite as good as I was hoping as I felt great yesterday but I feel some of the thing I thought I recover from come back today. I did finally arrange an appointment with my primary, first one in about 6 years, in about a month. Hindsight I wish I took the earlier appointment with the ear ache shenagins but I've forgotten so much about this type of adulting that I was just too nervous to do so. Especially cause I was worried I couldn't figure out what I was going to do about work in time. Better late than never though.

To end things off, since it's eaten most of my day, I'd like to share a bit of what what I've been "brainstorming" about with Overseer of the Elements. I can't really talk about it because majority of it is major spoilers as I was coming up with ideas of how to pace out some of the bigger story beats I wanted to included without turning it into a popcorn movie scene like some of the more infamous moments in the Golden Sun series. It all seems pretty good in my head right now though and I think it does well in fleshing the lore of the characters and the world of the dream game.

What I can say, is that my solution to the fear of it taking too long is to sprinkle in minigames and more lighthearted moments of optional character interactions to break up the heavy plot dump. I also thought up a possible new dungeon to add in between to give a moment for gameplay in between key plot points instead of just putting it all at the end of one of them. It's odd because even though the dungeon is new, the gimmick was one I was already planning on using. I just changed the narrative behind it's relevance and a couple things about the environment to fit the new narrative. Does shake up some other things I already had planned but I think it'll overall be for the better. Too bad it's all just in my head, but I guess that's better than nothing.

Much to my surprise, fleshing all that out lead me to find the perfect opportunity to introduce some abilities I was going to save for the second "game"/"book". So I did a quick sketch of a character that would relate to said abilities, though I'm still trying to figure out exactly what they should look like.


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