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Weekly Update 3/19/23

Writer's picture: Jackit KJackit K

Hey all, a bit of a delayed update with the blog. But I kept myself busy with the stream last night. Maybe Saturday evening isn't the greatest time to write these when that's also the same night I stream... I'll figure something out. In the meantime, here's what's been up lately.

Streams and videos...

I pushed back starting a new stream series a week, and in hindsight I think that was for the best. I wasn't feeling at my a-game with commentary and still a little shook from all the new faces from last week's stream. Despite being a video creator, socialization isn't my strong suite. Doing something more in my element was just what I needed this week. I do plan on trying again next week, though I want to wait before making any promises.

If you missed it, the OG plan was to do a 1st Thru of Kirby's Dreamland 2. It was kind of funny that it dropped shortly after streaming Kirby Dreamland 1 and the lack of Dreamland 2 on NSO was the main thing holding me back from playing Dreamland 3. Never played either Dreamland 2 or 3 before, only seen friends and peers cover it in their own playthrough ages ago. So it'll certainly be an interesting and fun experience.

Oh, I almost forgot I did release a Game N Chill the other day. So if you want to see more of what I've been doing the past month, here you go. Not one of my proudest videos I'll admit. Nothing terrible, but I did dance around some Scarlet and Violet opinions I had. I try to cut out anything that was too negative, but I got a feeling it wasn't enough considering it already got a dislike. That or the title rubbed people the wrong way. I don't know... it was real hard to come up with a title that really fit the commentary of the video for this one...but maybe that was a little too on the nose.

This is kind of what I meant when I said 'It's tough being a Pokemon fan" in the video. There's way too much negativity in the community already, so I hate to add fuel to the fire. But if I'm going to talk about something I'm passionate about, I want to be honest with my feelings. So I'm still struggling to find the middle ground that I'm happy with, that hopefully also makes others happy. Feel free to skip around the Scarlet/Violet stuff, if it bothers you. But I swear it's not as bad as I'm making it out to be and it is only a small portion of the video at most.

I'll through the VOD I did the other day up here as well, if that's more fitting to you.

Golden Sun



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