Happy New Year. Feeling a bit off this week so despite the progress I've made throughout the week, I'm going to be keeping this one kind of short. It is worth noting that if nothing else, I'll having exciting news relating to Paper Mario Sweet Expedition in the upcoming weeks.
Videos, Stream Art
I don't think I'm going to really be worrying about Game N Chill this month. I would have recorded it last week so it would be ready for today, but last week was real busy and don't know if I'll have the time or motivation to do one later on in the month. I might knock out the recording next weekend when I have a bit more time, but I'm not going to hold myself to it as I want to keep focus on the Paper Mario side project for this month.
As for streams, we're right at the end of Dawn of Djinn, as I kind of expected. Void Island was real time consuming, and I needed at least one more recording session than I thought. That being said, Pokémon Go Community Day kind of has me depressed and drained so I don't think I'm going to be feeling up to streaming tonight.
It's fine if I don't because I going to take streaming more casually for the rest of the month anyways. I do know what the next series I want to stream is, but I know I won't be ready to jump right into it. So between that and me being sad to see Dawn of Djinn go, I won't be too hurt if I put it off one more week... I just would feel bad if anyone was looking forward to seeing that finale.