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Weekly Blog 7/2/23

Writer's picture: Jackit KJackit K

Happy holiday week. Canada Day was yesterday for the people above the border and 4th of July for the US is coming up in a couple days. As for me, I don't have major plans to celebrate the holidays, but I do have some extra time off away from the main job and I've been using a lot of it to get caught up and get back into the swing of things on the Youtube end of things.

Videos and Streams

Where do I begin? I'm slowly getting back into the swing of streaming again. With finishing up my Pikmin 1 stream series yesterday. That last stretch of the game went by way faster than I was expecting. I finished early that I decided to show off all the optional bosses and jump into Pikmin 2 just to get a taste of it again. I would not expect to continue Pikmin 2 next week. I'm not ready to commit to a full playthrough on stream, as there's a couple one-off stream ideas I've been itching to explore, it's just a matter of deciding which to do first. The Pikmin 2 segment was so fun, I think I'm actually going to edit that into it's own video before editing down Pikmin 1. I already have a Pikmin 1 LP on the channel, meanwhile, that stream was the first time I've shared anything I've done in Pikmin 2 with Youtube. You can check out the VOD here.

Also been getting a lot of recording done with Pokemon XG with the hopes that I'll be able to fully commit to a biweekly upload schedule for it going into March. That being said, you'll still see a bit of it this month, but like I said last week, July's upload schedule is a bit all over the place. The Kirby Dream Land 2 stream is fully edited down into playthrough videos though so you can expect that to take up the back-half of the month. Hopefully I can squeeze in one more recording session in during my break because TBH everything I've record so far has been grinding and Mt. Battle because I was underlevel. I just got done using my well-earned battle coupons to optimize my team and I can't wait to show off the fruits of that labor with you all.

The biggest news to share though is the fact that I've finally gotten into releasing videos closer to a video essay-like format. Granted these first few were just of thoughts on the Nintendo Direct and were a much looser script, but I do have the script for other videos well along the way, and I'm going to shoot on doing one of those once a month. From what I've seen, the ones I've already released are doing pretty well, so I have high hopes once you start seeing the ones that I'm actually fully scripting in advance.

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