Starting things off, I decided to do things a bit differently for July's Game N Chill. It's been quite a few weeks since I last did a stream but I had to record Game N Chill this weekend so I could edit the recording down over the work week. So I decided to do an experiment and live stream a Game N Chill recording session. I'll talk more about that in the video/stream section but if you want to see that now, you can watch the VOD here:
Otherwise I'll edit it down to the usual Game N Chill video that you'll be able to watch next weekend. Though as it stands, I think the back half of the stream will be stream VOD exclusive so I don't have to edit down the ENTIRE 2 hours into a video. We'll see, it'll partly depend on how big the video is after I edit down the first half. As for everything else....
Videos and Streams
July is going to be a weird month for gaming videos and stream, for lack of better way to describe it, as I try to find a balance between taking a break, keeping the channel alive, all while trying to make room for a new type of video to try and create. TBH I still don't have the entire month's schedule planned yet, so I'll probably be winging it. With uploads fluctuating depending on what I have edit and ready to share. Already planning on taking this week and the following week off so hopefully by the back half of the month I'll have had some time to try out some new ideas and see how they fit in with my usual uploads.
Been kind of off with streaming too. Past few weeks have just had a large combination of lack of time and not having the mindset or energy to stream. Transitioning from streaming from both Twitch and Youtube to just Youtube hasn't been as easy as I thought it would be either. (For some reason now that I actually want to remove it, I'm unable to remove it due to the way I set-up mutistreaming in the first place and had to resort to changing my password just to remove it's permissions from OBS, so for now I don't think I could go back to streaming both even if I wanted to.)
This week was probably the most energy I've had in the evening for a few weeks, but I needed to record Game N Chill. That was where the whole "why not do both at once" idea came from. It was basically just me in the chat so it wasn't any different from a Game and Chill recording, but at the cost of audio quality. So because of that I don't think I'll do that again, but I'm glad I did it this week if only to get rid of some of the streaming dust I've been building up. I'll do what I can to alleviate that in editing but since it's all one audio file, there's only so much I can do. So sorry in advance. If I'm up to it, we'll resume streaming Pikmin next week, but I'm just not going to make any promises for now with streams, they're kind of a lower priority right now with everything else going on.
I haven't even talked about my current major project in progress. So even though it'll be way to late to be relevant, I'm making an editorial on the Nintendo Direct that happened Wednesday. I thought it would be a simple way to start making editorials, with needing some more time before I'm done with the scripting for my first "official" editorial... and that's when I learned just how much more effort and time they were from the usual types of videos I made. This Nintendo Direct editorial doesn't even have a full script, just notes, but just recording the voice over for that took several hours, and it's been taking me a very long time to finishing editing that voice over and adding in the script. There's been times I've consider just giving up out of fear that by the time it's done "no one will care about the Nintendo Direct anymore", but I think I'm at a point where I've put so much into it already that it would be a waste to abandon it. So... we'll see how all that goes.