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Moving around content

Writer's picture: Jackit KJackit K

As always I've always got quite a few ideas floating around in my head for improving the channel. It's just a matter of implementing them.

I don't got too much time left in the day, but I still wanted to share a couple that will likely be coming in the near future....

In summary, JackitK and JackitK Mute are getting condensed. I want to make a separate Instagram for my Shadow Pokémon Log posts. Streaming hasn't been forgotten, but I don't know when or where I'll get back to it. And stay tuned for more details of my plans for the playthrough slot on my channel once the main story of Celeste is finished. We'll likely see the finale around Christmas.

First is in regards to the Shadow Pokémon Log series I do on Instagram. I've been considering it for a while. But I think I will eventually make a separate Instagram for it eventually. The goal is to have one specifically for the Shadow Pokémon Log series and things that tie to it like other Pokémon Go AR shots or perhaps even visual aids that relate to Shadow Pokémon. How quickly this happens will depend how quickly I learn new things about the platform. For example, it would be really nice if I could schedule posts or find a way to work on it from more than exclusively my phone so I can set up daily/bi-daily posts even if I don't log into it every day... but that sounds like a project to take on when I don't have work.

In addition, I want to start doing JackitK Mute content over on the main channel. Not taking away from the main projects, mind you, but just condense all my content onto one YouTube channel so it's easier to keep track of, organize uploads, etc. First step of this will be to take every Pokémon Yellow video I've uploaded on JackitK Mute and make it one super video for the main channel. I even have a day of the week already planned exclusively for JackitK Mute content so it doesn't take away from the main schedule.

It'll basically keep to the every Sunday upload date once I actually get around to making it. Pokémon Yellow will be the main project until I finish that game because, dang-it, this "I can never finish a playthrough of a gen 1 Pokémon game" curse has to be broken one way or another. Though other ideas I have for the slot include Celeste and other content I do for the channel.

Originally I think the plan was to have a non-commentated playthrough of Celeste go alongside my commentated playthrough but now that both content is going to be on the same channel... I think that'd be redundant. Still, if people want to see that, I'd be happy to do it. Instead though, my plan is to do any special side challenges I want to record for Celeste content on the Mute slot. Current one I have in mind is a "double-dash" speed run. Where I basically turn on Assist Mode to turn the amount of dashes I can use to 2 and see how quickly I can get through the game.

I'm sure that's a good stream candidate too, especially with repeat runs, but I have to get back in the groove of streaming first. Streaming is still in the back of my mind, it's just hard to make work out since the way I work it's easier for me to just bulk record and edit a bunch of content in advance so I can control how frequently it comes out, no matter how hetic my life gets. There's other factors too, but I have been trying to figure out how to make time to at least try streaming again. I've even consider trying out that Mixer platform to get a fresh start. The little bits I've heard about it makes it seem it could be a unquie and fun experience. But that would require readjusting my entire set-up so I may stick to Twitch until I get the swing of things.

Also, I know we're getting close to the end of the main story of Celeste. I do have plans of what to do next. Heck, I've recorded tons of B-side/post-game content already...even have a couple JackitK Tries, and possibly even the next 1st Thru started...but it's all a matter of what gets edited first and I'm honestly so all over the place editing little bits of post-game and little bits of other games, and even some things I haven't recorded yet that I'm considering doing before the 1st Thru, assuming it doesn't get turn into a super long JackitK Tries, that I'm just not sure yet what will be next... if you couldn't tell from how all over the place that sentence was. xD

But I will keep you all updated. I do expect to have some sort of game plan for "Post-Celeste main-game" by the time we finish. At this rate, it's gonna be done by the end of December, so I have a little time to sort it out. Sorry it's been so slow coming out, but I guess that's what happens when you upload something only once a week. I've been pondering about this too. The pros and cons of uploading once a week... the justification with Celeste was it was an LP I wanted to make sure I did the game justice, so I gave myself as much time as I could to edit, and more importantly review and rerecord commentary where needed. Hopefully if I do a simpler playthrough next, I can at least give it a couple more days of a week to breath.

But first and foremost, YouTube is a hobby. A hobby I'm passionate about and love to make even a part-time job some day, but for now a hobby that I got to keep balanced with the rest of my life.


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