So I was just going to record a Game and Chill instead of blogging this week, but I'm still feeling a bit tired and dazed and I gotta pick up food for the family in about half an hour so I think I'll just do this instead, and see how I feel when I get back.
Especially cause I'm on the fence about streaming tonight. I really want to because it's been a few weeks and I feel bad not doing it for so long, but I have been feeling too crummy to do much video work this week as a whole, and I can't stay up too late tonight anyways cause I have to get up early (or at least can't sleep in) to get some maintenance with my car done.
So yeah, stream is still on edge, but if I do go live I'll tweet it out for sure. Probably do Colosseum Randomizer whenever I stream next because I'm almost out of footage to edit. But I haven't forgotten about Game Builder Garage, or the fact Mario Party won the poll the last time I asked Twitter what they want to see. But I got to actually get back into streaming before I can promise anything.
There's at least enough of a content backlog to continue the usual uploads as...well...per usual. Though I might need to take my week off for the month a little earlier this time just to assure I have time fill the backlog and schedule stuff. I'll have a more clear idea what I need to do next week though. Speaking of, still trying to get into a routine regarding the Sunday slot. Once a month Game N Chill would be good, but I have to actually get used to recording consistently again first. Half that battle is there being so many things I got to get post commentated in the mix like Mad Rat Dead, and that one Pokemon Colosseum Randomizer VOD where the volume mixing is so bad, I think I'm just going to rerecord a chunk of the commentary in post. So for right now, I'm just going to focus on recording Game N Chill "when I feel up to it"(TM) especially with it so hard for me to feel up to commentating in general lately.
Life just really seems to want to get in my way lately especially with recording/streaming considering last week I did actually want to have a spotlight hour stream and then we lost power for a good chunk of time. Not sure what's up with all that considering it feels like we've been loosing power a lot lately, in fact just today we lost power for the entire morning. I'd say it's like the world wants me to be a bad content creator, but I've been doing a fine job with that on my own lately with how I keep getting on and off sick. All I can do is keep trying and hope that I once I actually do get up to recording again the routine actually sticks this time.
I guess I can also talk about how I've been playing Pokemon Unite lately. I guess it's a fine enough game. Gameplay's solid and all that, but there's just a piece of my mind that constantly is looking for reasons not to like it and I don't get why. For some reason I've been bothered by just how much everyone else loves the game and I'm just struggling to play games I'm comfortable with my friends as is. But maybe I'll warm up to it. I already played it a regrettable amount last night while I was just "getting enough of a feel for it".
I just don't think I'll be streaming it for now, because it feels oversaturated on Twitch, not that I don't mind playing over saturated games, it's more so I know I won't have fun streaming it because there's still a part of my brain salty about how many people are streaming it when I just want to enjoy other content. I never want to stream something if I feel going in I'm going to be complaining about it. I chalk all this up to me being in a bad state of mind because I don't feel too good lately, more than actually wanting to hate on things.
If you're curious about mains, there's been a couple I 've been jumping between I wanted to go Talonflame, side of the electric legendary that was the pre-order bonus (it's post gen 5 so I don't think I remember the name). However, I've always wanted to be the "white mage" class in team-based games, so I've spent a lot of the night getting familiar with Eldeross...I think that's what the giant cotton Pokemon is called. Shame there isn't a clone of it of a Pokemon I'm more emotionally attached to because Eldeross is basically the exact type of character I want to play mechanically but I want to main other Pokémon because of their design. Healing moves in general are surprisingly rare in Pokemon Unite, let alone party healers. I think it's literally just Eldeross and Snorlax's super.
But I'm not even sure how much more I'll play of Unite because there's just too many video games in the world and there's still plenty I want to revisit like the Golden Sun games; as I've been taking tiny metaphorical nibbles of those games and being real bad at putting time aside for RPGs in general. Still, I definitely can tolerate Unite if it's the best way to get back in touch with mutual. I won't even complain, because I'll probably be having fun.