So looks like I missed a week. My bad, GoFest weekend had a lot going on so I'm not shocked I completely forgot about doing this.
Go Fest was nice and I was just thankful I was still able to play a decent chunk of it despite all the stuff within my family going on at the time and places I had to be. May save some details for the next time I record something Pokemon Go related I'll use my overall Go Fest experience as a talking point. So for now I'll just say, I got some new shinies, the first hour, probably was my favorite because I was able to get it a solid hour of walking in despite the heavy rain and having to leave right after an hour to attend the family stuff. I got a couple new shines, more Marill which while I don't need they make me happy, including one that I think would be decent enough to use for PvP. It was just an overall light that I needed in a pretty dark day of my life. Also played a bit afterwords, as I was making a trip up for dinner and got a couple more shines I didn't already have so that was pretty great. Majority of them weren't newly released, but they there were quite a few I've been wanting to have for ages, so I can't complain. Like I think Audino was the only shiny I REALLY wanted but didn't have luck getting. But I did get enough of them to power one up to 40 which was one of my big desires out of that part of Go Fest.
Raid day was fine. TBH I was worried I wouldn't have fun with it because I kind of fell out of raiding as drama drew me away from all the communities that used to help me raid in the past. But I specifically went to one of the biggest cluster areas of gyms and overall Go activity and it was well worth it. Minus a couple of legendaries that basically no body wants anymore, raid lobbies were flooding. In that sense it was quite magical to see so many people out and playing that day. It was a bit of a shame because I didn't go out with any friends but it was nice to observe that magic from a safe distance. Kind-of a shame it got in the way of remote inviting people I wanted, but I was able to get in a few raids with friends and peers from my circles of the gaming community. Especially when I found a couple friends and raided with them. It was a double edge sword though because it was all car raiding and TBH it felt like when I was playing with them we spent more time waiting around for the raids we wanted than actually playing the game, but on the plus side it was a lot easier to remote invite people since we were a large enough group to make private lobbies. So I'm glad I at least got both ends of the spectrum.
Oh shoot, I rambled about Pokémon Go when I was going to keep that short. As for updates on the channel. I did just record my first GBL video in about a month of and a half. It's got more details of my plans relating to Pokémon Go content so I bumped it up to be featured next Monday. It's a bit rambly and I was tired so hopefully it's still good enough to get the points across. Beyond that, updates are safe to resume per usual after this week. Though like I tease I'm going to give the whole alternate weeks between Game Builder Garage and Pokemon GBL content thing a shot for a couple months. At first I thought I wasn't going to have enough GBL content to do even that but with this recording and wanting to give another Great League remix team a shot, I think it'll work out.
It's a bit of a shame. I was hoping to get more done today with taking the day off from work, but that power outage and the things I was helping my folks out with before that threw a bit of a monkey wrench in those plans. It sucks because it would of been a perfect day to stream, but I had zero power during Spotlight Hour and I was so worn out from stress that I wasn't really even in a good condition to stream even after getting power again. At least I can still do Saturday evening, and maybe next week I can try again at the tempt to do a make-up stream for missing last weekend. But we'll see how the next few weeks pan out.