Feeling tired and drain today so I might miss a few details here and there, but I want to keep up with the weekly updates so I gotta try.
All the time I've spent on fan game work this has been on Paper Mario Sweet Expedition, so no new Golden Sun news this week.
Paper Mario
Work with Sweet Expedition has been coming along. I've kind of been jumping around a lot between different parts so it's tricky to gauge exactly how much progress has been done but it has been done. For example, I spent some time messing with maps last night (though most of it was trying to figure out why the heck the wall randomly disappeared) but I'm also thinking of going back to the OG plan of just starting with a "fixed" version of the Game Jam release before doing anything drastically different visually.
To recap for those who don't have Discord, I initially mentioned I was going to do a 3 phase release plan and then decided to just wait until things are mostly done instead...but I'll be honest, I'm kind of embarrassed with the Game Jam released sitting around and I'm constantly worried about that being people's first exposure to the project now that I've cleaned up so much about it. So I'm considering just shadow-dropping an update of the fixes and clean-ups I've already done and saving the new content for a more official release, but we'll see.
One thing I've definitely say I did was finished up a new title screen for Sweet Expedition. It won't be the final version of the title screen, as I eventually want to try making it from scratch, but I wanted to at least have a "cleaned-up" version of the one I made for the Game Jam to fit the eventually "cleaned up" version of the Game Jam mod I want to release. Tempted to mess around with it a bit more but I'm pretty happy with how the work I've done on the title and "copyright" icons at the very least. That party will probably stay, maybe even stay all the way till the final release if I don't come up with a better idea along the way.

Also been working on cleaning up the partner moves a bit more as I continue to gain a better understanding on how the functions work. I've never gotten around to updating the strings for the new partner move, so instead I'll share a clip of the work I've been doing on Goombario's new "Invigorate" move, making it look more like something Goombario would actually do rather than just a copy/paste of Turbo Charge...
Nothing new on the video, etc. front. I almost did some note updates with Overseer of the Elements in the first time in forever, makes me want to take a week off to just mess around with all those OC ideas, but lately every time I've gotten out of work Sweet Expedition has been the only thing I've felt up to working on and considering that's the unfinished project that I've put the most work into so far, it works out.
Just got back from Pokemon Go Community Day and that was kind of fun, but especially during the summer when it's hot out, that sort of thing ends up taking my whole day if not by playing all day then from the walking and the heat draining enough of my energy to make it tricky to be productive after words. I was lucky enough to get a Galarian Zapdos on that newer Adventure Incense thing and managed to even catch it on the first Pokeball. Which is amazing with all the horror stories of how rare the thing is and how often it has ran on people. This is my first Glarian bird in all the Pokemon games, so I'm real happy about that. Considering I also got my first shiny Zigzagoon on that same 15 min. incense, it was a really good incense.

Also looking forward to getting back to streaming. I wasn't able to stream last week because of all the garden work I've been doing during the work week and the fact our family's annual reunion party happened that same Saturday time frame I stream. Typically, I turn down parties this day and age, but it's a completely outdoor event and I'm vaccinated so there were enough factors to make me comfortable. But yeah, looking forward to getting back to streaming Dawn of Djinn tonight, hopefully I remember everything that needs to be done.
That said, I've done a lot of rambling for how much I've been talking about how little I've done today. This is nice, typing is often easier on me than talking and I don't have to worry about editing a video together (minus the clips which is a bonus if I'm feeling up to it.) so let's hope I can keep this trend going and "speak" with you all again next week.