With all the big stuff that's happened in October, this week has been mostly been a chill back and take it easy. I might of dabbled in some Dawn of Djinn stuff here and there but TBH the most productive thing I've done this week is actually update the site, as well record some Pokémon XG. Check it out, the fan game page has been updated to include my more recent completed projects. Plus I'm finally starting to fill up the Overseer of the Elements page. Maybe some day I'll actually have the full story of the hypotical page up on the page like it's supposed to be. :P
Haven't even felt up to streaming Dawn of Djinn this week. Today in particular has been one of those days that just turn into a crummy day for no good reason. Maybe next week, I'll start getting back into streaming. For now, I don't mind taking the rest.

Paper Mario
Slowly but surely making progress on Dawn of Djinn. Still not planning on resuming work on Sweet Expedition until I finish the video on it I wanted to do. I don't recall if it was this week, but I did make some progress recording it a some time in the past few weeks. So game plan is to at least have that recording done by the end of the month, but I'm not rushing myself, I did enough of that trying to finish the Halloween mod by Halloween.