I don't think I'll have much to update this week as it's been a relative chill week with not too much progress to report and majority of what I have done already discussed in a Game N Chill video I released earlier today, but I'll try to fill in the gaps.
Paper Mario
I was at a bit of a standstill with the Sweet Expedition video as I wanted to refine a puzzle I added before resuming my recording. I actually managed to do just that this week, so I expect I'd be resuming work on that video soon.
Like I said in the Paper Mario modding Discord, I'm not quite sure yet exactly how much of that video I want to make public as it could contain spoilers for the mod, but said spoilers aren't really spoilers if you've already played the Game Jam release. I guess I'll see how I feel when I finish making the video. Should be good for making clips to show off in future updates at the very lease. I'm actually super proud of this puzzle considering what I had to work with.