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Content Update 10/28/22

Writer's picture: Jackit KJackit K

Looks like it's been several weeks since the last weekly update. Oppse. At least I feel strongly I have good reasons for that but first I want plug a charity stream.

Tomorrow, (12 PM EST) starts the annual Extra Life stream hosted by StephenGeorg and friends. All money raised go to their children hospital and you can expect to see me in the chat because I'll be spending my entire day watching it. Donators nominate games to play and they play whatever games earn the most money. (Out of all US physical releases for Nintendo Wii and WiiU).

Personally I'm pushing for Baby Sitting Mama, as it's a classic in my circle of friends. One of them actually did a full Let's Play of the game, and oh boy, if you've never seen Baby Sitting Mama it is truly an experience. Plus they've made a full costume for the Baby Doll you play the game with. (Yes, you play the game with a baby doll, you read that right) So the game is gonna be even more insane than the normal playthrough if it gets played.

If you don't already got an idea of a game you want to see play, I would highly recommend voting for that. Either way, you can donate at this page here. Just list the game you want to see played in the donation (and make sure you spell it right)

And tune in for the stream here:

They stream the entire day, (often going all the way to 5 am+ the following day) so regardless of time-zones you'll likely be able to catch at least part of the stream and it's well worth it as it's the most entertaining stream I watch all year. So even if you can't donate, please check it out.

Okay now for the stuff you probably actually here to see.

Paper Mario/ modding projects

Basically, I stopped working on other modding projects the entire month to put together a little Halloween theme Paper Mario mod. I just released it today, so check out the Github page for more details on how to play.

This project has eaten up all my spare time the past few weeks since I REALLY wanted to release it before Extra Life so I haven't really had too much spare time in general, let alone on other projects. (Might of touched Dawn of Djinn here and there in-between, but I don't really remember how much of even that I did.)

Video and streams

That project is also part of the reason I've been inconsistent with streams, hopefully now that I'm done with this project I'll be a bit more consistent with streams.

I think I did have at least one recording session with Pokémon XG at the very least. I've been enjoying that mod too much, I had to at least play more of that. I can't wait for you all to start seeing my playthrough of it. That'll start November 1st, and since the first couple episodes are so short (and I've been wanting to show-off the game for so long) I decided to release two episodes the first week of November. After that we'll resume the normal upload schedule of Golden Sun Monday/Friday & Pokémon XG every Wednesday. Sunday Shorts & stream VODs Saturdays will also resume as per usual. Tuesday and Thursdays will go back to being "days off" though if I make a mis. project in-between (like perhaps finally doing that playthrough of my WIP of Paper Mario Sweet Expedition)

I'll likely squeeze it in on those days as well. I'm looking forward going back to taking it a bit easy on the upload schedule and spend time on more personal projects in November. I really botched my goal of taking October to celebrate my brain baby of Overseer of the Elements, maybe I'll try to do something to make up for that. Maybe I'll just chill. We'll see how the month pans out.


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