So I recently realized that I got so caught up in my personal drama last blog that I never took the time to show off all the art I've been doing recently, despite that being the initial plan for last week's blog. So here's a quick blog post showing off all the colored art I've done this year. It took a bit because for a while I lost my tablet pen... and then I had to order more batteries for it online and then wait for them to come in.
Especially as of late it feels like I've had a lot more time to chill outside of the web, so I wouldn't expect this to be the last I draw and color for the year...

First few sets are random Overseer of the Element sketches I decided to finally color in... Nayla especially, the girl on the right, I noticed I've never actually gave color to despite the number of sketches I've done of her, so I really wanted to color in a few of her sketches to finally get a grasp on her color scheme. She's basically one of the main 5 characters now, so that was something well over due. ...actually I think all of these were done before I found my tablet pen, so I think they were done right on my PC instead. But still Nayla art.

This drawing above was sitting on my tablet for way too long, I started it back before I lost my tablet pen so it was was sitting incomplete for way longer than it deserved. It's a nice sketch of Sole with all four Elemental Sole Spirits of Overseer of the Element. The sitting position probalby looks strange but I'm gonna just use the excuse of it being an old sketch, beside it's worth it to get myself to actually use different poses beyond the norm for me.
Really like having all four Sol Spirits interacting each other and a party character in some way. As it allows me to experiment with how the characters of the world interact with these creatures. In something like Golden Sun, the collectable creatures kind of just exist for you to collect. With a few exceptions, like the first Djinn you meet in each game or with Pewter, you never really see them interact with other characters. They most the majority of them get is fighting you and being collected.
It's a concept I wouldn't mind exploring a little deeper in Overseer of the Element if I have space in the story to do so, at least for the first Sol Spirit of each Element. I don't think I could do it for everyone of them but I already have ideas for the back story of a couple of them. Such as how the first Fire Sol Spirit has been a long-time companion to Sara that she treats similarly to a treasured pet. Or how the main character rescues the first water Sol Spirit from the bad guys and they quickly bond over the shy personality they share.
I wouldn't want it to be a major part of the plot, especially with all the other things that I'm already trying to squeeze in as is, but at least a couple interactions would be cute and help the Sol Spirits feel like part of the world and not just a cute collectable to enhance your battle abilities.

Oh, and speaking of Golden Sun and Djinn, here's the next drawing I did on my tablet... a drawing of Jenna with a Mars Djinn because honestly, it's been way too long since the last time I've drew Jenna of Golden Sun.
I did remind my self that it's been even longer since I've drawn Cream the Rabbit, even though she's probably one of my favorite characters from the Sonic Series... in fact, I don't think I've ever actually did. So I've recently finished up a sketch of her, and I think I'm gonna touch it up with my tablet too to correct the justice of never making Cream fan art. So I'm looking forward to sharing that.